What is Spaced Repetition? And how it Improves Pattern Recognition
Ever wonder how grandmasters can look at a puzzle for less than half of a second and know the solution? The answer lies in pattern recognition, and this article will explore how you can recognise more patterns faster with the help of spaced repetition.

What is Spaced repetition?
Spaced Repetition is just what the name suggests: reviewing material at intervals, where each interval is longer than the last (shown by the graph above). This straightforward method has a robust scientific backing for its effectiveness, with a wealth of evidence spanning over 30 years.
Why is spaced repetition effective?
The optimal time to review a piece of information is when we are just about to forget it, and each time we review something, we retain it for longer. The spaced repetition algorithm is effective because it takes into account both of those factors. After each review, it tries to predict when to show it to you for the best results. This way, you can minimise the amount of time spent on studying.
The power of pattern recognition
In chess, each move can determine the outcome of the game. At its core, chess is about recognizing and capitalizing on patterns. Imagine having the uncanny ability to see the best move in an instant, as if your mind were a finely tuned chess engine.
So, how can we significantly enhance our pattern recognition? The answer lies in chess puzzles. Puzzles provide an endless stream of pattern after pattern, each capable of turning the outcome of a game around. But finding the solution once after minutes of playing possible scenarios in your head doesn't guarantee that you'll spot it again when it comes up in a game. So, how can we increase the chances of finding it in a game? That is the problem that Res-pawn tries to solve. Let's delve deeper into how Res-pawn can elevate your chess skills.
Spaced Repetition for Chess
After each puzzle is played, you have the ability to rate the puzzle based on how challenging it was. Based on that rating, Res-pawn uses a spaced repetition algorithm to determine when the best time to review the puzzle is.
Through systematic pattern repetition, you'll increase your likelihood of recognising it in a real game, giving you a higher chance of outplaying your opponent.
Spaced repetition is a scientifically proven and effective technique for memorisation. Res-pawn leverages a spaced repetition algorithm to enhance your pattern recognition skills and dominate in games.
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